The first part of class is instructional, at which time your instructor will demonstrate a technique to learn and drill. Techniques normally begin from a base position with different options for students to work with from that base position.
The second part of class is dedicated to practicing the technique with a live opponent. Students are given a chance pair up and “roll” (spar) using the technique demonstrated. Participation in rolling sessions is not required. Students may stay and roll for the entire time, part of the time, or not at all.
Students are required to wear a standard jiu-jitsu gi and belt. Until you get a gi of your own, standard workout clothes or a loose fitting pair of pants or shorts and a comfortable shirt will work fine. Please purchase a pair of flip-flop sandals to wear while at the school. Do not wear jewelry and be sure to remove any gauges or rods from body piercings. There are dressing rooms at the school for your convenience along with ample shelving for gym bags and other belongings.
On your first visit to Pollaro's, please wait in the front entry and either Nick or another instructor will greet you. You will probably see other students and instructors rolling on the mats. As you walk past the mats, you'll see a large wire shelving area for your gym gear. If you need to fill your water bottle at any time during class, there is also a water cooler near the wire shelves. You'll be shown to the dressing area if you need to change before class. Should you need any assistance with your gi or help tying your belt, please ask Nick or one of the other instructors. Once you're dressed and ready, there's just one more thing: you'll need to sanitize your feet at the foot wash station located near the mats. Step into the wash station, pick your feet up and down and few times and then step onto the towels next to the station to dry your feet. Now you're ready to step on the mats and train! If at any time you come off the mats, please use the foot wash station before returning to the mats. Mats are disinfected daily after class. Please remember: NO SHOES OF ANY KIND ARE PERMITTED ON THE MATS.